Policy Committee Meeting
Tuesday December 17, 2024
- Call to order
- Executive Director Report
- Old business
- Chair report, new business
- Call to adjourn
Materials provided
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Related documents
Call to Order: Dawn Stenstrom called the meeting to order at 4:01pm
Dawn Stenstrom motioned to approve the 11-19-24 meeting minutes. Dan Endreson seconded. 2/3
approved. Barbara Joers Abstaining
Meeting Outline:
Executive Director Update
Natalie Schmidt is our new Policy Manager and was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts.
Policy Engagement Updates
Three (3) of the lead bills are currently drafted. They are calling out leaders and reaching out to Advocacy
groups to build a coalition.
Chair Noor asked that RDAC sit on the Health and Human Services committee. Senator Hoffman would also like
to see RDAC on the committee.
A discussion was had regarding the delivery of information to the PSC. Chair Stenstrom noted that there is a
new Full meeting cadence that will keep the entire Council updated during session. Director Barnes noted that
she will deliver the information in a way that works for the PSC.
Director Barnes continues to meet with Lawmakers.
Director Barnes will be meeting with Commissioner Cunningham. MLD was not added to the NBS in Minnesota.
The community has sent a letter to the Commissioner as well. There is a nomination process in April as to which
rare diseases will be on the NBS.
The financial landscape for 2025 will continue to be a challenge.
Director Barnes spoke for Everylife Foundation on the voucher program on a federal level.
The Medicaid coalition is sending a letter to state representative opposing any cuts to Medicaid. RDAC will sign
this letter.
Nothing to formal to report.
Council members may be called upon to report, testify and support efforts on behalf of RDAC.
Public Comment
Lexie Mohror is a member of the Council and a genetic counselor. She offered gratitude for
the information shared at this meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Barbara Joers, seconded by Dawn Stenstrom. Passed 3/3.
Adjournment 4:47PM
Submitted by Julie Olson
In Attendance
Council Members
- Barbara Joers
- Dan Endreson
- Dawn Stenstrom
Staff and Guests
- Erica Barnes
- Julie Olson
- Alexandra Mohror
Not In Attendance
Council Members
- Kerry Hansen, RN
- Rae Blaylark
This meeting was held at
Sprucetree Center, 1600 University Ave W #310, St Paul, MN 55104