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Policy Committee Meeting

Tuesday July 18, 2023


  1. Approval of previous meeting minutes
  2. PAG listening session summary (Executive Director)
    1. Formal report to be presented in September
  3. Deliberation Framework
    1. Decision criteria
    2. Flowchart and use case exercise
  4. Action items
  5. Call to adjourn

Related Materials

  • Previous meeting minutes
  • Deliberation framework PowerPoint
  • Health services advisory council principals and procedures (for reference)
  • Flowchart
  • Checklist

Approval of previous meeting minutes

Action: Dawn Stenstrom made a motion to approve meeting minutes from June 20, 2023. Motion approved by Karl Nelson and seconded by Amy Gaviglio. All in favor. Roll call vote 4/4.

PAG listening session summary (Executive Director)

  • Erica gave the committee a debrief on the PAG listening session. She provided feedback from the advocates; including what rare means to them, how to engage with the legislator and needing classes.
  • Committee members collaborated with ideas for how to help advocates make the most of their resources and becoming educated in the community and how to interact more with the state and their advocacy.

Deliberation Framework

  1. Decision criteria
    • Dawn discussed the Policy Deliberation Framework PowerPoint she sent out in the meeting packet. She explained how each slide can be applied and utilized within the agency. After, she opened the floor for committee discussion.
    • Members made suggestions using alternative wording on specific topics.
  2. Flowchart and use case exercise
    • Erica explained the Policy Committee flowchart sent out in the meeting packet, she described her thoughts behind the creation and the simplicity for how to follow the flow chart. Erica then allowed suggestions from the committee.
    • Members suggested different ways to enhance the flowchart with grey areas and specific timelines.

Action items

  • Dawn to adjust the Policy Deliberation Framework PowerPoint based off committees’ suggestions.
  • Erica to focus efforts and modify policy flowchart.
  • Consideration on timing and resources for the public to be incorporated more on the flowchart.

Motion called to adjourn by Dawn Stenstrom at 5pm by Karl Nelson and seconded by Amy Gaviglio.