Full Council Meeting
Thursday November 14, 2024
- Call to order
- Executive Director Report
- Old business
- Chair report, new business
- Call to adjourn
Materials provided
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Related documents
Call to Order by Dave Tilstra: 3:02PM
Meeting Outline:
- Motion to approve the September 19, 2024, meeting minutes
- Executive Director Update
- Guest Presentation
- Motion to accept the governance documents as the current operating procedures for the Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council
- Committee Appointment 1
- Committee Appointment 2
- Legislative and policy agenda for 2025
- Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Base Budget Establishment
- Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Drug Formulary Committee Modifications
- Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Patient Assistance Programs
- Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Medicaid Eligibility NBS
- Public Comment
Motion to approve the September 19, 2024, meeting minutes
Motion: Dawn Stenstrom made a motion to approve the September 19, 2024, meeting minutes, motion
seconded by Jackie Foster.
Motion Passed.
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Approve
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Absent
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Absent
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Abstain
- Rae Blaylark Voted: Absent
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Absent
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Abstain
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Abstain
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Absent
- Approve: 12
- Absent: 5
- Abstain: 3
Executive Director Update
Director Barnes updated the council members on the Rare ECHO Series that is kicking off November 18, 2024 at 12:00PM CST. RDAC has contracted with Minnesota Management, Analysis and Development to partner with Stratis Health. The ECHO series will offer and expert panel in a teach and learn style format. These ECHOs will run monthly and will contain case studies. CMEs for medical professionals will also be available.
The Gene Therapy Taskforce continues to form. RDAC has contracted again with Minnesota Management, Analysis and Development to form the members and focus the work of this taskforce.
Guest Presentation
Delivering Gene Therapy, Opportunities and Challenges – Nate Mussell, Fairview Health Services
Nate Mussell presented the Council with the opportunities and challenges of delivering gene therapy within the Fairview system as well as the broader challenges for all health systems. Following his presentation, Nate answered council members’ follow up questions.
Finalization of Operation Procedures
Jackie Foster presented a brief overview of the Carver Governance Model and the ongoing work of the
governance taskforce over the last nine months. This information was presented at the September Full Council
meeting. Council members were given time to review and make recommendations to these documents within
Box prior to the meeting.
Motion to accept the governance documents as the current operating procedures for the Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council
A motion was made to accept the governance documents as the current operating procedures for the
Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council.
Motion Passed. The GTF will be eliminated and the RDAC Operating Procedures will be managed by the
Executive Subcommittee.
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Approve
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Approve
- Rae Blaylark Voted: Approve
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 20
Committee Appointment 1
Two separate votes called for appointment to the RDAC Policy Sub Committee.
Votes passed. Dan Endreson and Barbara Joers with both join the RDAC Policy Sub Committee effective today.
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Approve
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Approve
- Rae Blaylark Voted: Approve
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 20
Committee Appointment 2
Two separate votes called for appointment to the RDAC Policy Sub Committee.
Votes passed. Dan Endreson and Barbara Joers with both join the RDAC Policy Sub Committee effective today.
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Abstain
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Approve
- Rae Blaylark Voted: Approve
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 19
- Abstain: 1
Legislative and policy agenda for 2025
Director Barnes gave the Council an overview of achievements from 2024. She gave a presentation of the upcoming legislative session and RDAC priorities. She discussed the hiring of a Policy Manager as well as hiring a consultant. The hiring process is complete and the new Policy Manager will start November 26, 2024. RDAC is in the process of contracting with a consultant to assist in the training of the policy manager as well as consult for RDAC.
Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Base Budget Establishment
The Full Council voted on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established (legislation categorized as “engage” and “support” is under the distraction of the Executive Director).
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Approve
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Approve
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 19
Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Drug Formulary Committee Modifications
The Full Council voted on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established (legislation categorized as “engage” and “support” is under the distraction of the Executive Director).
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Approve
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Approve
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 19
Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Patient Assistance Programs
The Full Council voted on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established (legislation categorized as “engage” and “support” is under the distraction of the Executive Director).
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Abstain
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Nay
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Nay
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Abstain
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 15
- Abstain: 2
- Nay: 2
Vote on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established: Medicaid Eligibility NBS
The Full Council voted on the priorities with an RDAC lead per the process established (legislation categorized as “engage” and “support” is under the distraction of the Executive Director).
- David Tilstra, MD Voted: Approve
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN Voted: Approve
- Dawn Stenstrom Voted: Approve
- Dr. Paul Peterson Voted: Approve
- Alexandra Mohror Voted: Approve
- Dan Endreson Voted: Approve
- Richard Schirber, Jr. Voted: Approve
- Kerry Hansen, RN Voted: Approve
- Sofia Shrestha Voted: Approve
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD Voted: Approve
- Dr. Douglas Smith Voted: Approve
- Maureen Alderman Voted: Approve
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King Voted: Approve
- Dr. Laura Lambert Voted: Approve
- Angela Cowen, ICSW Voted: Approve
- Rep. Tom Murphy Voted: Approve
- Rep. Liz Reyer Voted: Approve
- Sen. Julia Coleman Voted: Approve
- Sen. Liz Boldon Voted: Approve
- Approve: 19
Public Comment
A member of the public addressed the Council. She shared that she has a rare disease and how important it is for people to be talking about these issues.
Meeting adjourned at 5:08 pm
Submitted By: Julie Olson
In Attendance
Council Members
- Alexandra Mohror
- Angela Cowen, ICSW
- Dan Endreson
- David Tilstra, MD
- Dawn Stenstrom
- Dr. Douglas Smith
- Dr. Elizabeth Lando-King
- Dr. Laura Lambert
- Dr. Paul Peterson
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN
- Kerry Hansen, RN
- Maureen Alderman
- Rep. Liz Reyer
- Rep. Tom Murphy
- Richard Schirber, Jr.
- Sen. Julia Coleman
- Sen. Liz Boldon
- Sofia Shrestha
Staff and Guests
- Erica Barnes, Executive Director
- Julie Olson, Operations Manager
- Marnie Falk, Gillette Children’s
- Nancy Silesky
- Libby Brunsvold, Vertex
- Elissa Williams, Vertex
- Ella
- Jennifer Breitinger
- Mary Ellen Baker
Ex-Officio Members
- Nicole Brown, MDH
Not In Attendance
Council Members
- Barbara Joers
- Dr. Arthur Beisang, MD
- Dr. Paul Orchard, MD
- Rae Blaylark
This meeting was held at
Wilder Center, Summit University Room, 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104