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Full Council Meeting

Thursday September 19, 2024


  • 3:00 pm:
    • Call to order-Chair
    • Roll Call
    • Approval of meeting minutes, May and July, 2024
    • Vote Required
  • 3:10 pm:
    • Executive Director Update
    • New Member Introductions
    • Council Overview for new members
  • 3:40 pm:
    • Vice Chair
    • ACTION: Selection of Vice Chair
    • Vote Required
  • 3:50 pm:
    • Meeting Cadence and Discussion
    • ACTION: Approval of 2025 Meeting calendar
    • Vote Required
  • 4:00 pm:
    • Council Taskforces Discussion – Erica Barnes
  • 4:25 pm:
    • Governance Taskforce Reporting – Jackie Foster
  • 4:45 pm:
    • Policy Committee Reporting-Dawn Stenstrom
    • Public Comment
  • 5:00 pm:
    • Adjourn

Materials provided

Meeting Minutes (May and July, 2024), RDAC Orientation Manual, RDAC Full Meeting Cadence Proposal, RDAC Insight’s Report, RDAC Quadrant 1 Ends Draft, RDAC Internal Directory