Executive Sub Committee Meeting
Tuesday February 11, 2025
- Call to order
- Executive Director Report
- Old business
- Chair report, new business
- Call to adjourn
Materials provided
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Related documents
The meeting was called to order by Dave Tilstra at 4:02 pm.
Meeting Outline:
Approval of minutes
ACTION: Representative Reyer made a motion to approve the January 14, 2025 meeting minutes,
motion seconded by Dave Tilstra. Motion passed 4-4.
Executive Director Updates
Results Based Accountability (RBA) – MMB Proposal
Director Barnes reported that she approached MAD regarding Council RBA training. She will keep the Council updated as she knows more. This training will take place in FY26.
Director Barnes reported that she has hired a temporary position for a Programs Manager with the understanding that our funding bill will determine continued employment. Her start date is March 6, 2025. There are some state options for the temporary position.
Director Barnes noted that she will be presenting to the disability determination group for a RDAC presentation. She will report if continued support is needed.
Executive Director Performance Review
A discussion took place regarding the actual position description which the Chair does not feel that the description is suitable for an executive director. He would like to make some changes, however, not so much that the job will need to be re-posted.
The revised form was presented and discussed. The changes more closely align with her actual role. The changes closely align with the pillars.
The newly revised form accepted and will be emailed to Erica as well. A discussion was had regarding if the review should be a discussion, or the members of the ESC fill out the form individually. The results will be aggregated, and Dave Tilsta will call a meeting prior to the review. Form emailed to members of the ESC Committee. A special meeting will be called in the next couple of weeks.
Public Comment
Meeting adjourned at 4:26 PM
Submitted by Julie Olson
In Attendance
Council Members
- David Tilstra, MD
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN
- Rep. Liz Reyer
- Rep. Tom Murphy
Staff and Guests
- Erica Barnes
- Julie Olson
Not In Attendance
Council Members
- Maureen Alderman
This meeting was held at
Sprucetree Center, 1600 University Ave W #310, St Paul, MN 55104