Executive Sub Committee Meeting
Tuesday January 14, 2025
- Call to order
- Executive Director Report
- Old business
- Chair report, new business
- Call to adjourn
Materials provided
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Related documents
The meeting was called to order by Dave Tilstra at 4:01 pm.
Meeting Outline:
Approval of minutes
ACTION: Jackie Foster made a motion to approve the December 10, 2024, meeting minutes, motion seconded by Representative Murphy. Motion passed 5-5.
Executive Director Updates
Full Council Update
Director Barnes reported that Chad Hope with the Prescription Drug Affordability Board will be presenting for the Full Council..
Results Based Accountability (RBA) – MMB Proposal:
Director Barnes presented a proposal from MMB for Results Based Accountability. She reported that she, herself has taken the course. The goal of the training is helping the Council is to tie the vision to measurable goals. Chair Tilstra reported that he feels it is important to set goals and standards for a new Council. There is money allocated for Council training in the budget.
Representative Reyer discussed that results-based outcomes gives credibility. Representative Murphy stated that this should be a training that we give consideration. Our goals will become measurable. The proposal is negotiable for Council needs.
Jackie Foster made a motion to have Director Barnes continue to work with MAD to customize the RBA training for the Rare Disease Advisory Council, seconded by Representative Reyer. 5-5. Approved
Executive Director Performance Review
The form for the 2024 performance review was reviewed. The ESC wants to reach out to the Full Council for feedback. Director Barnes was asked what would be more helpful for her leadership and development. Director Barnes stated that she would like to see more clarity around her position and what is required. The ESC members may want to decide on duties that are important to them. Chair Tilstra will take some time and review the form. He will run his recommendations by Jackie for comment.
New Business presented by Jackie Foster
Jackie noted that the Governance Task Force has completed its task. Jackie recommended that we disband the GTF.
Jackie Foster made a motion that we sunset the Governance Taskforce as the group has completed the assignment. The RDAC GTF has completed and developed the current governance documents that were adopted during the November Full Council meeting. The Executive subcommittee will field any questions regarding governance. The ESC is also capable of re-developing a taskforce if needed. Seconded by Maureen Alderman. 5-5 Approved.
Public Comment
Meeting adjourned at 4:32 PM
Submitted by Julie Olson
In Attendance
Council Members
- David Tilstra, MD
- Jackie Foster, MPH, RN, OCN
- Maureen Alderman
- Rep. Liz Reyer
- Rep. Tom Murphy
Staff and Guests
- Erica Barnes
- Julie Olson
This meeting was held at
Sprucetree Center, 1600 University Ave W #310, St Paul, MN 55104