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Executive Sub Comittee Meeting

Tuesday July 9, 2024


  • Call to order
  • Executive Director Report
  • Old business
  • Chair report, new business
  • Call to adjourn

Materials provided

  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Related documents


The meeting was called to order by Amy Gaviglio at 4:03pm.

Approval of minutes

ACTION: Representative Reyer motioned to approve the June 11, 2024 minutes seconded by Dave Tilstra. Motion passed 5/5.

Ongoing Business

Conflict of Interest: Process Needs

Director Barnes spoke to the Assistant Attorney General, Steve Melchionne and learned that we can build out the cadence of the conflict-of-interest collection and updates. The Governance Task Force is currently reviewing the forms and deciding on language within the council’s governance documents and operating procedures. A discussion was had regarding how often conflict of interest needs to be disclosed. Representative Reyer stated that the language should include something to the effect of any incoming conflicts require an updated COI disclosure. COI forms are currently reviewed and signed at the start of Council membership, which happens on the calendar year (January). Conflict of Interest disclosures will be managed by agency staff with Executive Committee reviewing any potential conflicts. In summary below:

Motion to request Governance Task Force to add annual conflict of interest process with ad hoc notification as needed to operating procedures with administration of agency staff and notification to executive subcommittee by Dave Tilstra, seconded by Representative Reyer Motion Passed 5/5.

Council Terms and Vacancies

The Governor’s office is working on current vacancies and all vacancies have applicants. The Governor’s office’s goal is to have the appointments by the end of July. The new appointments, once made by the Governor’s office will begin in January 2025.

Council Training

The Governor’s office as well as the AG’s office have agreed to come in and give the Council training as to being a part of a State Agency. Open Meeting Law and Data Practice can be complicated, and members are open to having others come in and train the council on various aspects that will be helpful. The Governance documents are the guiding documents for the council. The documents are currently being developed. It is important to let members know what rules and procedures they are responsible for upholding. Having members present to the council and having a record of the presenter or the presentations for future use would be helpful. The Council also has the capacity to pay for classes for members with more responsibility, such as Robert’s Rules. Training will need to go on the agenda for the next meeting.

Amy Gaviglio and Erica Barnes will work to develop list of potential training opportunities and speakers for the executive subcommittee to review and prioritize at the next ESC meeting.

New Business

Full Council Meeting Cadence 2025

The needs and the intensity of this Council coincides with the Legislative session. The ESC is recommending quarterly meeting and then monthly during the legislative session. Starting in January 2025, an hourly meeting monthly to review legislative updates. Suggested: Quarterly = January, April, August, October. Monthly Legislative Focus = February, March, May, June. Amy Gaviglio and Erica Barnes will put together a schedule for vote at the next ESC meeting.

Review of July Full Council Retreat

Director Barnes presented an agenda that was provided by Cultivate Strategy. A discussion was had regarding the comparative piece of other councils on the agenda. How are we engaging as a state agency is the goal of the exercise. Members stated that they would be more interested in the missed opportunities that other Councils may have encountered. Maybe inviting a few to come and talk with us about their experiences, successes, and missed opportunities. Director Barnes will bring the comments of the ESC to the consultants. Main goal of one section is to understand How we can best leverage our status as an agency?

Public Comment

A member of the public introduced herself as Deb and offered interest in the Council.

Motion to adjourn by Karl Nelsen, seconded by Representative Murphy. 6/6
Meeting adjourned at 4:58PM
Submitted by Julie Olson