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Executive Sub Comittee Meeting

Tuesday March 12, 2024


  1. Approval of last meeting minutes
  2. Executive director update
    1. Gene therapy listening session recap
    2. Update on new member appointments/vacancies
    3. Advocacy day update
    4. Legislative session/bill updates
  3. Update on representation of MNRDAC on the PDAB
  4. Ongoing implementation of governance work

Materials provided

  • Agenda
  • Previous meeting minutes


The meeting was called to order by Amy Gaviglio at 4:02pm.

Approval of minutes

ACTION: Chair Gaviglio made a request for a motion to approve meeting minutes from 1-9-24, 1-18-24 and 2-13-24.   Motion by Karl Nelson and Seconded by Maureen Alderman.  Passed 5/6. TM Abstained due to arriving late

Executive Director Update

A verbal report on gene therapy listening session was provided with information on how the content from the session is being used to further legislative action. Executive subcommittee members expressed interest in a follow up educational event which Ms Barnes reported will be happening in collaboration with BIO later in session.

The Governor’s office has announced that all members appointed by the University of Minnesota in 2019 have termed and will need to re-apply.  Questions were asked and answered.  It was also addressed that all members serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

Verbal report provided on Advocacy Day, which was successful.  It was very well attended, and the meetings went well.  The patient communities were involved, and many people had their first ever meetings with legislatures. Full written report to be provided to the full Council at March quarterly meeting.

The legislature is busy this session and executive director is meeting with as many legislators as possible.  Engaging in the following way for the bills that RDAC is supporting: sending letters of support ahead of committee hearings, providing technical input, occasionally testifying for bills.

The medical debt bill was discussed.  The Attorney General’s office asked that we support this bill.  It will be discussed at the Full Council meeting tomorrow as well.  Questions were asked if we are leading on a bill how we deliberate during the full council meeting.  The recommendation will ultimately come from the policy committee. The bill will be heard in the Senate next Thursday and the House next Thursday.  A definitive decision can wait for the Policy Committee on the 19th.

Update on Representation of RDAC on the PDAB

The Governor’s office made the appointment of Rae Blaylark to serve on the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) from the RDAC.  Erica Barnes is on the voting side and Rae is representing the RDAC.

Ongoing Implementation of Governance Work

The Governance Task Force (GTS) will be presenting at length at the full council meeting tomorrow.  There is much work being done in this area.  It was mentioned that a vote is required for an idea to become an action item.  The Council needs to be aware of when an idea becomes more than a suggestion is when a vote happens.  The language of Councils should be deliberate, discussion and vote.  The full council is where some of the decisions are made and the subject tomorrow will be well received.  The presentations tomorrow will primarily about the ‘Ends’ that the Council would like to see.

Request for Meeting Schedules

A request was made for a discussion for setting the yearly meeting schedule.  A discussion was had and this will land on the ESC and Full Council agenda this fall.

Meeting adjourned at 4:46pm.

Submitted by Julie Olson